Distance Covered by Vellore to Chennai Cab
The distance between Vellore to Chennai fare 2299Rs by car is around 138 km. The distance will of course change if you change the route. The time taken to cover also depends on your speed and your stoppage time during the journey. Throughout the journey, you can encounter various stoppages where you can freshen up.
Vellore to Chennai Cab Fare
There are different Vellore to Chennai car rental services available from where you can hire Vellore to Chennai cab. If you make your booking on My vellore taxi, you can get exciting discounts and offers. For a one-way trip, the Vellore to Chennai taxi fare starts from INR 2299. The charges to book outstation cab may differ depending on the date and time of your journey and the type of car you are choosing to travel from Vellore to Chennai. You can also book a Chennai to Vellore cab on My vellore taxi.
Vellore to Chennai Car Rental Services
You can find a cab from Vellore to Chennai at any time of the year. You can customize your tour package according to your requirements. Apart from cabs, you can check out the taxi bookings at different prices. My vellore taxi offers a trusted car rental service along with a variety of options that will make your journey smoother. Depending on your requirements, you can book a hatchback, a sedan or an SUV. There are different kinds of car models listed on My vellore taxi. Some of them include Swift Dzire, Ertiga, and Innova. You can also check out the rating of each cab before making your booking. Moreover, you can also see the profile of each driver. All the drivers listed on My vellore taxi portal are polite and well-trained and ensure that you have a smooth journey.